Meet the Owner

Small town country with big dreams, I stumbled along trying new things, teacher, restaurant manager, gym trainer, cake decorator, mom, wife, partner, never realizing that I was making decisions based on “what I oughta do.” Born, raised, and still living and raising my own family on family land that was developed, cared for, farmed through blood, sweat, tears, and stubbornness by my grandfather, I’ve learned a very specific bond (codependency, ha!) to home and family, a pride in the land you walked on barefoot in the summer, a warmth in sitting by bonfires in the winter surrounded by cousins, a gleeful energy in exploring the woods that were all yours in the fall, a peace in smelling the budding earth beneath you as you lie under the backyard oak tree with your favorite book. I contain a home in my soul that I have attempted to carry with me to create a home for my own family. 

Seeing homes in so many different stages of abandonment and decay, lost in the overgrowth of neglect, makes my heart ache. I feel the energy of these vacant places reaching out to me. The loneliness and sadness of unseen potential, forgotten purpose, floods me with a grief that is hard to explain. The path to the restoration of these forgotten homes is blatantly evident in my mind. I can envision their new life as a home again, their rebirth and reclamation, all while feeling the love and secrets in their history. I want to find the good in the hearth and bones of these old houses and love them back to their purpose.

I would be honored if you come along with me in these renovation projects, celebrating the successes, supporting through the twists and turns, reimagining when things go a little crooked, reveling in the hidden glories of history. It’s not all going to be pretty and it’s not all going to be ugly, but it will be an adventure like I’ve never been on before! 


Jenkins: Introduction